Cyclists, Please Be Kind Too

"Be kind to cyclists" - I have noticed this bumper sticker on several cars many a time. And I would think to myself, only if there was a sticker that said "Cyclists, avoid being a traffic hazard" that I could stick on my car bumper.

Nothing fuels my anger like an insensitive cyclist on the road during the rush hour. There are many cyclists who are in the habit of carrying out their exercise routine during the peak traffic hours and they do so many a time on 50 mile speed limit single traffic lane. Any layman knows what would happen next except for our cyclist.There's a long line of traffic that clogs behind him but the cyclist leisurely continues riding down the single lane while we follow him slowly becoming an obstruction to the traffic.

Secondly, there are cyclists who conveniently block the right lane where the other commuters can make a free right turn. They don't bother to safely position themselves such that the cars behind them can make the free turn but instead positions themselves right between the lane. Trust me, there has been many a times when I wanted to honk at such cyclists. But out of mere courtesy, I control my temptation to do so and wait for the signal to turn green.

I am in favor of a bicycle friendly community but definitely not at the cost of hampering the traffic. So cyclists, please be kind to us too.


Rajesh said…
Hi Sree,

I couldn't agree more. I am always worried when I take Spicewood from 360 to our home. It is a 2 lane winding road and many times I have come across cyclists after the many sharp turns.
Ranjith said…
Right on. I hate it when cyclists stay in the middle of the free right turn lane while they wait for the signal to turn green to go straight. These cyclists are clearly not obeying rules. As per the League of American Bicyclists, if your lane turns into a right turn only lane, change lanes before the intersection ...
devipman said…
What do u think of cyclists & bike,scooter riders here. we r thinking of putting a big flex board on top of our car with a writing u wanted.:-) :-)